Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Work and the people there

So as everyone who is reading this knows (Well, unless you're some stalker. And if you are, there's a strange chance I'm actually totally flattered you're actually stalking me)..... I work at a pool. I'm not a lifeguard or anything, I just sell concessions and scan members in/ deal with people paying for daily passes. I get minimum wage, but I don't really care. It's an easy job and I get free membership to the pool. Just like most people, I don't enjoy working, but I do like getting paid. The thing is though, a lot of other people don't mind work as much as me. Why? They all know each other there. They're always talking and stuff while I'm just sitting there alone ._. I've always been sort of a loner, but not exactly because I want to be. I'm shy and socially awkward, and there's not much I can do about it. I don't make friends easily and most of the time I don't really care, but it kinda gets annoying when everyone's making jokes and stuff and I'm just.... there :\
I bet they think I'm really weird... :S

Oh well though. I have 2 really close friends, and 2 others I'm pretty close with too. I'd rather have close friends than a bunch of friends I don't really know ^_^