Friday, August 10, 2012


So this post gon' be about accents!!
Why? Well it's something different, and I thought I could blog about it :D

When I first moved to Texas from Pennsylvania I was about 7, and would always get pissed with people saying that I had an accent. To me THEY were the ones with accents, but considering I was the odd one out I had the accent. I don't really think I have much of an accent really. I pronounce some words funny sometimes, but that's just me derping. With that being said though...

ACCENT CHALLENGEEE! And I'm sick, but meh. Decided to do it anyways.

Mind my constant clearing my throat/etc. I'm sure that got annoying, but gratz to you if you actually listened through that. With that being said, I think a lot of accents are pretty cool, especially accents from all the Nordic countries. I have a lot of trouble understanding any Hispanic accent though, unfortunately. At work someone will be asking for something and I'll have to say "What?" 5 times before I can understand them... I always feel bad about it. I have a friend named Liz with an accent but I can only understand pretty much every other word of what she says, which sucks because she's really cool :P Then again, partially why I can't understand some accents is I have really bad hearing, so that doesn't help at all. I quite like accents though, even if a ton of people speak English, different countries can put their own spin on it :D

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