Monday, August 6, 2012

Storytime, my children!

One time I hired a monkey to take notes for me in class... Wait. Wrong story. you can click that if you want the rest of that story....

ANYWAYS, this story is about pedophiles. Weeeeeeeeeeeew!

So I was about 7 years old and had just moved to Texas. Back in those times I wasn't constantly on the internet, so I spent a lot of my time doing random shit outside. I generally rode my bike around while my sister would awkwardly derp about on a razor scooter or something. I'd always go down this hill and end up reeeaaallly messing up my knees. Hehehe they were gnarly. I still have scars from that shit o.o ANYWAYS, this is not about my knees, but actually some creepy guy who drove up once. My sister and I were just chilling as usual, when we see a white limo drive up near our house. He didn't pull up to our driveway, but stopped pretty damn close. I knew about stranger danger and shit like that, but this guy had a limo. I had never actually seen a limo before other than in movies/tv/etc. The guy in the limo stepped out wearing a white suit, and came walking towards us saying "I saw you guys checking out my limo, wanna look inside?" The guy looked in his 30's and had brown hair and a beard. I can't think of who it might be, but I remember him looking like some famous chef. I was cautious of this guy of course, but I thought I might never be able to do this. I told myself that as long as I stayed cautious things wouldn't go wrong. So my sister and I look inside the limo. There was nobody else in the limo, but of course, I thought it was awesome because I was 7. Then he asks us if we want to get inside. Thattt's when I knew this guy couldn't be up to any good. I say no thanks and grab my sister's hand and quickly start walking back to our house and go inside. Looking out the window, the guy with the limo stayed for about 10 minutes after we went inside, when my mom noticed and walked outside. Then the limo left. To this day this is probably one of the scariest things that's probably ever happened to me. I'll admit I wasn't too smart looking at it. The way I was standing and the guy with the limo was standing he could have easily pushed me in. At least I was smart enough not to get in the limo. I don't really like thinking about what could have been if I had. It wasn't a huge deal when I was 7, because well, I didn't even know what a pedophile was when I was 7, but looking back that was some freaky shit that happened.

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